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States of Matter

  • States of Matter
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Format: eBook
  • Status: Available
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Individual Titles:
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Energy of Matter, Revised Edition
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Reviews and Awards

"...accessible to all students..."

School Library Journal

"...useful for those researching the physical sciences and how they are affecting life in the world today."

American Reference Books Annual


States of Matter is a six-volume set that examines all aspects of physical science, including the structure of atoms, the structure and properties of matter, the nature of chemical reactions, the behavior of matter in motion and when forces are applied, the mass-energy conservation principle, the role of thermodynamic properties such as internal energy and entropy (disorder principle), and the ways matter and energy interact on various scales and levels in the physical universe.

This informative set introduces readers to some of the most important solids in today's global civilization, such as carbon, concrete, coal, gold, copper, salt, aluminum, and iron.  Important liquids, including water, oil, blood, and milk, are also treated. In addition to air (the most commonly encountered gas here on Earth), readers will discover the unusual properties and interesting applications of other important gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, xenon, krypton, and helium. Each volume includes an index, an appendix with the latest version of the periodic table, a chronology of notable events, a glossary of significant terms and concepts, a helpful list of Internet resources, and an array of historical and current print sources for further research.