Home Books The Facts On File Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases, Second Edition

My Fellow Citizens
  • Authored by: Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and Fred L. Israel
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-10: 0816082537
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-8253-7
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $45.00
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 12/01/2009
  • Dewey Number: 352
  • Reading Level: Grades 9 and up
  • Pages: 442


Since George Washington delivered the first inaugural speech in 1789, every elected president has addressed the nation after taking the oath of office. These inspiring, uplifting, and informative inaugural addresses capture the spirit of the times and the mood of the country every four years. Some rank among the landmark speeches in American history, particularly the inaugural addresses of presidents Thomas Jefferson in 1801, Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, and John F. Kennedy in 1961.

Capturing pivotal moments in our nation's history, My Fellow Citizens features the original text of all 56 inaugural speeches, each with an explanatory essay. Updated to include expert commentary on the 2008 election and Barack Obama's 2009 inaugural address, this resource highlights key themes and provides valuable historical context essential to understanding each inaugural address. Destined to become a classic reference, this accessible book is an indispensable volume no library or history buff should be without.


Introduction. Original documents.

About the Author(s)

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. was the author of more than a dozen books, including The Age of Jackson, The Vital Center, The Age of Roosevelt, A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House, Robert Kennedy and His Times, The Cycles of American History, and The Imperial Presidency. Schlesinger served as Special Assistant to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963. His numerous awards include the Pulitzer Prize for History, the Pulitzer Prize for Biography, two National Book Awards, the Bancroft Prize, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for History.

Fred L. Israel is the coauthor of Facts On File's highly acclaimed Winning the White House 2008: The Gallup Poll, Public Opinion, and the Presidency. He is also the author of Nevada's Key Pittman and has edited The War Diaries of Breckinridge Long and Major Peace Treaties of Modern History, 1648–2000. He holds the Scribe's Award from the American Bar Association for his joint editorship of The Justices of the United States Supreme Court.

Reviews and Awards

"...a welcome addition..."

School Library Journal

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